How to optimise your CX program during COVID-19

Customer Experience

How to optimise your CX program during COVID-19

August 17, 2023
3 minute
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COVID-19 has impacted businesses to an unprecedented level. During this time, it’s critical to pause, align & pivot. To support this process, we’ve prepared 9 recommendations for adjusting your CX program so you can understand, respond and connect more deeply with your customers during the ‘new normal’ we’re now faced with.

Recommendation 1 | Update Survey Invitations
As a brand touchpoint for you, we suggest referencing COVID-19 in your email invitation. The messaging can be customised according to your COVID-19 brand strategy and also your tone of voice.

Recommendation 2 | Additional COVID-19 questions within your CX survey
As an ongoing source of information brands can uncover the ‘new normal’ via your CX program by adding questions to your existing survey. You can also measure customer satisfaction with COVID-19 measures that your business has implemented.

Recommendation 3 | Adjust existing questions within your CX survey
Review your existing questions. There may be irrelevant questions in there now given the current climate. Equally, there may also be new services / procedures that you’ve added that you need to include.

Recommendation 4 | Consider the trigger for your CX Surveys
As well as being transaction based, your CX program could also be based on a relationship or communications trigger. This may become increasingly important to consider if the number of your transactions reduces, but you’re still wanting to ‘check in’ with your customers and continue connecting with them.

Recommendation 5 | Alert triggers open to everyone
While generally your Hot Alert triggers may be based on those customers who are dissatisfied, you may want to consider opening these up to all customers in case there’s something unique they want to discuss given the COVID-19 situation.

Recommendation 6 | Remove incentives
As budgets are squeezed, it may be worth considering the removal of incentives as a cost saving initiative. This may have an impact on response rates, so this will need to be considered. NB your existing prize draw terms & conditions may require that you complete any current commitments before reducing activity.

Recommendation 7 | Monitor comments
Monitor comments made closely during this time for emerging themes. To make this even easier, Potentiate can trigger email alerts when there’s reference to ‘COVID-19’, ‘Corona virus’, ‘crisis’, ‘pandemic’ or any other key words included in feedback from your CX program.

Recommendation 8 | Adjusting KPIs
Consider your existing CX performance metrics – we recommend re-assessing these in the current climate.

Recommendation 9 | Consider your customer service centre calls
It’s important to note the duration of your customer service centre calls will likely increase. Customers are wanting to share their concerns and worries. Any reprieve your business can offer your customers is now more important than ever. Surprising and delighting can also go a long way.

How brands respond to COVID-19 now will have a significant impact on the future of the business. Pausing and considering every business operation and customer touchpoint during this time is critical. As an agile and Human Experience focused company, Potentiate can adjust, pivot and enhance your CX program so you can get the business critical information you need as well as ensuring you can continue connecting with your customers.

For more information on the role of brands and insights during a pandemic, please see our latest webinar here.

For more information, please contact us at

*Please note, Platform One was formerly known as Potentiate