The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our health, our livelihood, our economies, our kids' schooling, the way we consume, the way we interact with others, our wellbeing and our way of living.
Unbelievably, there is not one person in the world who is spared from this tragedy, and the mantra of ‘we’re all in this together’ has never been truer.
The reality of this pandemic can be overwhelming and heart-breaking and, let’s cut to the chase, completely devastating on so many levels.
However, it’s during the tough times that amazing things happen. We’re seeing some incredible initiatives showing the strength, creativity & innovation of brands, large and small, from all around the world.
Here are 5 of my favourites:
1. AB InBev
What they’re doing? AB InBev is redirecting $5m normally spent on sports & entertainment marketing to the American Red Cross to support the fight against the pandemic.
Why we love it? Tackling the problem head on. The featured ad also tugs on the heart strings, as it brings to life our current reality and celebrates those on the ‘front line’ who so completely deserve it.

2. Dyson
What they’re doing? Designing & building a new ventilator - ‘Co-Vent’ - to support those who are unable to maintain their own airways.
Why we love it? They’re re-focusing their resources to address a worldwide shortage of ventilators which, are so critical for those who have contracted the Coronavirus.

3. Brookies
What they’re doing? Brookies, based in the hinterland of Byron Bay and best-known for distilling Brookies Gin, is pivoting its product portfolio to include high-quality, alcohol-based natural sanitizer, scented with their signature rainforest gin & lime aroma.
Why we love it? Addressing the worldwide shortage of hand sanitizer, which is so vital in helping us fight the spread of COVID-19 (and it smells nice :). Brookies is joined by many alcohol brands around the world who are implementing the same.

4. BBQ Galore
What they’re doing? Releasing several digital ads sprinkled with Aussie humour on how you can continue to BBQ at home, even during ‘iso’.
Why we love it? It’s an Aussie brand, celebrating a great Aussie pastime, with some good ol’ Aussie humour. Something we all need right now.

5. Shelter
What they’re doing? We want to celebrate the global right down to the local guys. This is my local restaurant / cafe in my little home village of Lennox Head. With restaurants, cafes and bars being forced to close due to government regulation, Shelter has pivoted its business to provide pantry essentials, fresh-produce, takeaway meals, wine, homewares and even flowers.
Why we love it? There are so many great examples of how local bars and restaurants are still operating, despite the restrictions that have been placed on them. Shelter is one example, but I know everyone who is reading this is sure to be seeing their own locals doing their own version of great and innovative offers.

Our hats go off to these companies & brands – keep them coming.
If anyone else has a great example, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us today.